We believe that God’s heart, as revealed through the Bible, has always been for the nations and that people everywhere would call on Him for salvation through Jesus Christ. (Genesis 12:1-3, Psalm 67, John 3:16, Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8)
As God’s heart is for all the nations, we as a local church need to have a heart for all the nations as well. Therefore, we want to strategically focus on being a sending church who invests in indigenous leaders who are establishing local church movements in nations where there is not a healthy, multiplying, indigenous church. We also want to see the Bible translated into the languages of every people group and to reach the unreached people groups of the world with the gospel.
Over the years, God has established Gospel partnerships that we have invested in heavily. Learn more about these partnerships throughout the world!
Babangida and Muimuna – Maradi, Niger
Babangida and Muimuma live and minister the Gospel in Maradi, Niger, an Islamic country with 98% Muslims. There they are building relationships in their neighborhood and the small, local ECWA (Evangelical Church Winning All) church; doing community evangelism; feeding weekly many young boys, homeless and some orphaned sent there to study Quran; doing local rural outreach in Islamic Fulani camps up to 150 km (90 miles) away; and discipling the few new converts. They present the Gospel using The Story Scarf, which uses pictures of Creation, the Fall, the Exodus, etc., on a path to Jesus’ Birth, Ministry, Death, and Resurrection.
Majak Network of Churches – Czech Republic
WCC has a long history in the Czech Republic. In 2001 we sent our first team over to help with summer camp. In 2006 we were there for their first church plant, and over the years, we have seen over 10 more churches planted, many leaders raised up, and sent many teams and people to serve in this nation.
Sunday and Blessing – Okuta Nigeria
Pastor Sunday and Blessing are engaged in a discipleship ministry in Okuta, Nigeria, in the far western edge of the country. They are effective in reaching and discipling new believers in the semi-nomadic Fulani camps in their area, as well as planting some small churches.