Our desire is to lead women into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to know and love Him, being transformed by His Word, so He is glorified as we love others in all that we do.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.
Luke 10:27
Transformation affected by the Spirit of God, through the Word of God, in the context of the people (women) of God. Based on Titus 2:3-5, older women encourage younger women by teaching them what is good according to God’s Word, and equipping them for the work of ministry.
Heart-to-Heart Women’s Bible Studies
Join us for 8-10 weeks each spring and fall during our evening or morning gatherings. We use the tools of observation, interpretation, prayer, and application in community with other women to study and apply God’s Word for His glory and our joy.
We have periodic social gatherings designed to refresh women and provide them the opportunity to build relationships.
We provide WCC women the opportunity to get away for an extended time each year for equipping, prayer, refreshment, and relationship building. No matter where we gather, you can anticipate a relaxing opportunity to develop friendships with women and be encouraged by God’s Word. The dates and locations vary.
More Information
Refer to the WCC News for timely detailed information. Further questions? Contact Kelly Kuppinger, Director of Women’s Ministry.